We may have lost contact or may be missing contact information for the following brothers. If you have any information we ask that you fill out contact Joel Villarreal, VP of Alumni Membership with any information you have for these brothers.
Thomas Caudle, '69
David Dowd, '69
Wilmon Droze, '69
Paul Eichenberger, '69
Carl Gilbert, '69
F. Harris, '69
Lloyd Lassen, '69
William Mosher, '69
Cothburn O'Neal, '69
James Ray, '69
William Reeves, '69
Edward Richards, '69
James Ricks, '69
David Rogers, '69
William Stevenson, '69
Larry Adair, '71
Jospeh Alexander, '75
James Alles, '72
James Amend, '72
Mark Anderson, '74
Rickey Amour, '73
Gary Ashby, '79
Robert Baker, '76
Timothy Bartlett, '73
Allen Barton, '73
Michael Batchelder, '73
Paul Behne, '79
David Bentz, '76
Kelly Billen, '75
Charles Blackburn, '72
Robert Blakney, '78
Sandy Blauvelt, '73
Dean Blazek, '70
Stephen Bolton, '72
Arthur Bone, '75
David Box, '79
Layne Bradley, '70
Earl Bradley, '71
Karl Braun, '79
Michael Broker, '76
Andrew Broker, '78
Robert Brown, '70
Kent Brown, '74
James Bruce, '75
Miles Bryant, '70
James Buddrus, '79
Terrence Campion, 79
Wally Capps, '75
Gregory Carey, '74
Joseph Carpenter, '75
Ronald Casper, '70
Ronnie Castleberry, '70
Kyle Caudill, '73
Larry Charniga, '78
Ernest Clifton, '78
Joseph Cravens, '76
Guy Davie, '74
Glen Davis, '75
Jesse Davis, '75
Michael Dawson, '72
Michael DeFord, '76
James DeFord, '79
Roy Dennis, '71
Joe Deodati, '75
Dennis Devlin, '77
Michael Douglas, '72
Darrell Dunlap, '72
Gregory Dwight, '78
Jeffrey Dwight, '78
Donald Dyer, '79
Richard Dyke, '72
James Eagle, '71
Denver Edmonds, '72
Larry Ellis, '72
Steve Ellis, '75
Dean Fishburn, '72
James Flowers, '77
Randall Freeman, '73
Aaron Fry, '73
Monte Garner, '77
James Gartin, '79
Kenneth Gaskins, '73
James Good, '70
Gary Goodyear, '72
William Greenhaw, '75
John Griswold, '71
Tommy Grubbs, '76
Norman Guilliams, '78
Charles Halfen, '76
David Hamerdinger, '79
Randolph Hamilton, '70
Robert Hamilton, '74
William Harris, '75
Jack Haston, '72
James Hejney, '76
Larry Hellums, '78
Jon Helm, '77
Robert Helpinstill, '70
Karl Henne, '78
Robert Henry, '78
Robert Heruska, '75
Steven Hill, '71
Kirk Hill, '72
Curtis Hoffman, '79
William Holbert, '76
Ronnie Honeycutt, '71
Charles Hott, '76
Bill Hubbard, '72
James Hubbell, '73
David Jarrett, '73
David Keith, '76
Gary Kidder, '72
Karl Kouns, '73
Ronald Ladd, '72
Rickie Larkin, '73
Tom Leaverton, '74
Charles LeMoine, '76
John Lemond, '70
James Lewis, '72
Larry Lindsey, '75
David Littrell, '77
Donald Livesay, '71
Charles Long, '76
Douglas Long, '79
Stephen Loving, '76
Oliver Loving, '78
Webster Lowder, '72
Robin Lyle, '76
William Mack, '72
Randall Mayne, '76
Chris Menger, '79
Roger Metcalf, '72
Paul Meyer, '78
Wally Monreal, '70
Carl Moore, '78
Mason Myers, '77
Anthony Nichols, '77
Michael Nickell, '72
Cecil Noble, '78
Gene Nowell, '76
Ignacio Nunez, '76
Jose Nunez, '77
Mike Pareya, '78
Randy Parker, '74
Richard Phillips, '74
Richard Pickens, '74
James Plog, '76
Joe Potts, '72
Michael Powell, '78
Kent Reese, '74
Keith Robertson, '74
Kelly Roche, '78
Bruce Schuessler, '72
Steve Scott, '77
Mark Scott, '79
James Shaw, '78
Lyndon Simpson, '74
Charles Skaggs, 74
Mark Smith, '71
Henry Smith, '76
James Stepp, '75
Kenny Stiles, '75
Allen Stillwell, '72
David Streeter, '78
Robert Strong, '77
Richard Sullivan, '72
Bradley Sullivan, '78
Timothy Szabo, '73
Timothy Thomas, '70
David Thomas, '78
William Travnikoff, '76
Leonard Trout, '73
William Turner, '74
Greg Vanzant, '79
Dennis Vazzi, '75
Walter Waechter, '72
Ronald Walker, '75
Thomas Walters, '73
Michael Ward, '74
Bill Weldon, '72
Robert Whiddon, '71
Richard White, '77
Glen Whitley, '76
Roger Whittaker, '73
Guy Wiley, '74
Steve Williams, '75
Gary Worthy, '74
John Wright, '70
Michael Wyant, '74
David York, '73
Ronald Young, '72
Robert Abbott, '88
Gregory Adams, '82
Donald Appleton, '81
Doug Arrington, '80
Jason Arrington, '85
Daniel Astalas, '84
Philip Aylward, '81
George Beckham, '80
Jeff Bennett, '81
Barry Benson, '87
Jeffrey Bohl, '87
David Boyd, '80
David Bragg, '83
David Bristol, '82
Geoffrey Brock, '87
David Brouillard, '83
David Brown, '85
Bret Brown, '86
Kenneth Buksa, '86
Mike Burtner, '89
David Cassity, '80
Roberto Cepeda, '88
Zachary Childs, '88
John Cooper, '80
Stephen Cozby, '87
Kevin Craddock, "89
James Crutchfield, '83
Michael Cullins, '81
Robert Daly, '88
John Daniel, '82
Jim Darwin, '83
George Davisson, '89
Gregory Dean, Texas'83
Emmet Devlin, '85
Jeffrey Dunn, '80
Barry Durrschmidt, '80
William Edgell, '83
Stan Estes, '83
Robert Estes, '84
Glen Everhart, '83
Reagan Ferguson, '81
Robert Ferguson, '82
Jerry Frank, '88
Thomas Galbreath, '84
Vincent Geyer, '83
Thomas Gibbs, '80
Johnny Gonzales, '80
Thomas Grammer, '87
David Graves, '82
Ronald Graybill, '80
Michael Guthrie, '87
Steven Harms, '81
Theodore Harp, '87
Ronald Hass, '85
Jeffrey Herron, '86
James Hindman, '80
Richard Hoofard, '83
Brad Hull, '84
David Jeffress, '85
James Johnson, '80
Blair Johnson, '88
William Johnston, '81
Kenneth Jones, '85
Arlan Kalina, '81
Brian Korbs, '83
Lawrence LeBlanc, '89
David Leinweber, '82
Perry Lowery, '86
Paul Luby, '81
Robert Mallory, '86
James Mathis, '83
Ricky McPherson, '81
John Miller, '80
Michael Miller, '81
Keith Miracle, '81
Robert Mitchell, '86
William Mobly, '84
James Moffett, '86
Terry Moore, '83
Patrick Moseley, '86
Ronald Nevill, '81
Mario Olivelli, '82
Timothy Park, Baylor '88
Randy Patton, '86
Douglas Peterson, '88
Brent Phelps, '85
Franklin Queen, '87
Brett Ravkind, '84
Mark Richards, '83
Thomas Richardson, '88
Rafael Roa, '82
Herman Roa, '83
Douglas Roberts, '83
Jim Roddie, '86
Philip Rushing, '81
Bret Sanders, '85
Jon Schnable, '85
Russell Shaner, '86
Mitchell Sherrill, '80
James Singleton, '83
Stephen Smith, '80
Michael Smith, '82
Lee Smith, '88
Steve Smithart, '84
Alexander Sodek, '86
Donald Sokol, '83
Michael Stack, '85
Paul Stanley, '81
Bobby Stone, '83
Bruce Struthers, '80
Scott Tennison, '85
Michael Thomas, '80
Brent Thompson, '88
Wesley Tompkins, '81
Paul Tully, '86
Vernon VanBrunt, Texas '84
Brian Vaughn, '82
Steven Vedral, '83
Lawrence Vineyard, '88
Mark Werner, '89
Scott Wettig, Texas '84
Michael Williams, '84
Wayne Wilson, '81
WIlliam Angus, '91
Richard Anthony, '95
Jason Archer, '92
Robert Baines, '99
Carl Baldwin, '99
Andrew Balser, '93
Scott Batson, '91
Chad Birdsong, '94
Harold Bundy, '96
Michael Campbell, '93
Reynaldo Casas, '96
Franklin Castle, '99
Jeffrey Cordell, '98
Amar Dhillon, '95
Jason Dudley, '96
Warren Fisher, '90
Gordon Fitzgerald, '99
Les Freeman, '95
Danny Frizzell, '95
Roger Gerlach, '91
Christopher Goodman, '95
Andre Jordan, '90
Robert Levac, '90
James Major, '94
Victor Medina, ''93
Lance Morton, '95
Curry Papacharalambous, '95
Viral Patel, '96
Nedar Pitts, '95
Karl Pogue, '93
Jeremy Ragan, '99
Marc Ridout, '94
Christopher Ryckeley, '92
Jeffrey Sears, Northern Arizona '98
Floyd Stanley, '99
Michael Sutter, '98
Adrian Taylor, '97
Clint Trimble, '99
Eric Wall, '99
Jerry Weber, '94
Kenneth Woody, '96
Anthony Wright, '93
William Zacharias, '91
Steve Zarkivach, '97
Guadalupe Acuna, '05
Charles Babu, ’07
Gordon Butler, '00
Lon Corbett, '09
Jonathan Davis, '08
Eric Gamble, '03
Mitchell Gillingham, '06
Vincent Grenado, '01
Christopher Haynie, '02
John Hoang, '00
Eric Hubert, '01
Christopher Irwin, '07
Thomas Kang, '00
Patrick Lantrip, '01
Mark-Vincent Mascardo, '01
Allen Medway, '07
Daraius Mistry, '00
Ayokunle Olaiya, '02
Jason Page, '00
David Reed, '07
Byron Rose, '07
Bradley Rutledge, '01
Nathan Sauerhage, '07
Shane Slaughter, '00
Matt Smith, '07
Jason Stanley, '03
Rohan Theophilus, '01
Russell Thiel, '07
Matthew Vastine, '00
Teddy Vodegel, '00
Walter Waechter, '01
Nick Balzen, '10
Alberto Feliciano, '10